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Winter Weather Essential for your Business

Winter weather is upon us and it’s time to think about the essentials that you need to keep your business functioning properly and clean. If you have employees who are working outside, have you gotten them the proper gear to keep them safe as well as warm? Have you thought about the prevention of winter weather mess coming inside your front door with all the foot traffic? Here are a few winter weather essentials:

  1. Entrance mats. Phelps offers mats and laundering to keep your front entrance clean. A clean durable mat will help keep salt and grim off of your floors, meaning less of a mess for you to clean up and a safer environment with less slip for you customers. You can call and set up to receive mats for the winter months, delivering weekly, bi-weekly or monthly.
  2.  Outerwear. Stay safe out there! Did you know that we direct sell too? We also do embroidery in-house and can brand gear for your employees with your logo. We have a large selection of outwear in a variety of brands. We can help make winter weather easy for you and your employees.
  3. Cleaning supplies. Clean up in winter months can be a challenge. Make sure you are stocked up with all the supplies that you need. We offer janitorial supplies, chemicals, mops, towels, paper and soap to help keep your business running smoothly.
  4. Soaps and sanitizers. It is difficult to keep your business functioning properly if your employees are out sick. Keep your facility clean and free of germs during the winter months with our variety of available soaps and sanitizers.


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